Our Philosophy

Mission: We are intensely focused on earning attractive risk-adjusted returns with emphasis on capital preservation.  Fortified with in-depth research and analysis, we provide investors with a unique investment perspective to navigate volatile market cycles, taking advantage of unique distressed opportunities while stressing risk mitigation.

Unique Investment Process: We filter out the signal from the noise, enabling us to make independent decisions that do not always follow market sentiment.  This removes the quick and rash decisions influenced by daily market fluctuations.  Through our insights and knowledge, we try to uncover information that others may not have to provide unique perspective. 

Time Horizon: Investors need to have a multi-year time horizon when they invest (5-10 years). One needs to make an investment and stay the course through market volatility and cycles.  If the original investment thesis of a strategy or manager is still valid, over time, we believe the desired outcome will be achieved.

Time and Talent: Our partners and employees are impassioned individuals who work diligently on our investors' behalf to assist in attaining their lifetime goals.  We spend an incredible amount of time grooming and nurturing our talent, providing a creative work environment to accelerate their personal growth potential.   We believe this promotes high morale, loyalty, stability among our family of employees — and ultimately higher client satisfaction

Values: Paskin & Berler Capital Advisors LLC has a social conscience, encouraging our employees to participate in community social outreach.  With an emphasis on opportunity through education, we have funded numerous college scholarships to disadvantaged youth in our community.

Integrity: Competence and integrity are critical in life and business.  We care about our reputation and we believe that our investor group demonstrate their support through their continued loyalty.